Sunday, 21 November 2010


With the UK expected to enter another severe cold snap from next week, car care specialist Autoglym has issued a series of tips to help motorists deal with the worst of the wintery conditions.

Its top five tips are:

1, Prevent door and boot seals from freezing shut by treating and protecting the rubber seals.
2, Ensure you keep a de-icer close at hand outside the car in case the locks are frozen.
3, Make sure you carry an easy-to-use glass cleaner to clear road grime from headlamps and side windows.
4, Make sure that screen-wash reservoirs are topped up with a high quality solution and ensure the concentration is appropriate for low temperatures.
5, Keep a shovel, torch, food and blankets in the car with a fully charged mobile phone at hand before every trip just in case of severe conditions.

In addition, don’t forget to ensure you check your tyre pressure levels, as well as oil and water levels at least once a week during the winter period.
It’s advisable to carry out a thorough car shampoo with an application of a premium quality wax that can provide ongoing protection from bodywork damage that could be caused by the added presence of road salt. Tyres are also susceptible to degradation so look for a tyre dressing.

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